
Reading Strategies for Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers

Ended Jun 30, 2017
2 credits

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Full course description

Imagine walking into a kindergarten or first grade classroom and seeing every student highly engaged in learning experiences. The walls are filled with student created work; making it clear the students have ownership of the room. There is a variety of reading and writing activities around the room and children are working individually, in pairs, and in small groups. Upon looking and listening more closely, the teacher is noticed facilitating student learning by nudging and encouraging each child towards working at higher levels. The teacher has a clear understanding of the behaviors to notice, teach, and support at the level the child is currently working on while simultaneously preparing the child to move to the next level.  According to Hattie, 2003,  “…excellence in teaching is the single most powerful influence on achievement.” Teachers have the power to make the difference. Come join in learning how to combine subject matter content knowledge with prior knowledge and design experiences for children that are uniquely their own by changing, combining, and adding to them according to students’ needs and your own goals. Spend a few days in professional development refining your craft and "be the teacher who makes the difference" in your students' lives.